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The current state of the monetary policy in Africa varies greatly from  country to country as there are different regulations and policies each  country has adopted to guide them in this aspect. When we hear about  discussions on monetary policy especially in Africa, what does this  mean? Monetary Policy is a set of actions taken by a country’s central  bank to manage the money supply and interest rates. It’s a demand-side  economic policy that helps governments achieve macroeconomic goals  like inflation, consumption, growth, employment and liquidity. In June 3rd 1991 in Abuja, Nigeria, an international agreement was signed known  as the “Abuja Treaty” which saw to the creation of the African Economic  Community (AEC), entered into force on May 12 1994 and called for the  development of the African Central Bank to follow by 2028. As of 2019,  the plan was to establish an African Economic Community with a single  currency by 2023. The vision behind these is to boost trade and  economic cooperation, such as a common currency, single market, free  trade areas, custom unions and a central bank; which will increase  growth and development among African union member states.  However, this proposed monetary unification is already facing some  economic and political issues and not all African countries will be able  to meet the requirements needed for this prior to its launching.

The African Union (AU) has four financial institutions of which the African  Central bank (ACB) is among. The African Central Bank has been set  up to build a common monetary policy and single African currency as a  way to accelerate economic integration. According to the AU, it will be  fully established between 2028 and 2034. While preparations are  underway, the African Central Bank set up an African Monetary Union  (AMU) that will see to the economic and monetary unions of member  states as well as the single currency hypothetically called “Afro” or  “Afriq”. This body will also see that the proposed single currency will  consist of currency units made up of regional union reserve bank  currency units of which are made up of country specific currencies. With  all these plans and projections by AU in partnership with different heads  of states and stakeholders, it seems that the vision keeps delaying its  materialization. And of course, we know that achieving the unification of  currencies is very pertinent and very key to our collective growth and  development. The matters we need to urgently address is how do we  navigate the challenges both locally and internationally in order to have  the Africa we desire by year 2063. World Bank 2018 report showed  some of the challenges facing single currency adoption, here are some  of the challenges: 

  1. Diverse Economies: African countries have diverse economies with  varying levels of development, industrialization, and economic stability.  Harmonizing these economies to adopt a single currency could be  challenging, as it requires aligning fiscal and monetary policies. 
  2. Macroeconomic Convergence: Before implementing a common  currency, there needs to be a convergence of macroeconomic  indicators, such as inflation rates, fiscal deficits, and debt levels. 

Achieving this convergence among countries with different economic  structures and policies can be complex. 

  1. Political Will and Coordination: Unifying currencies requires strong  political will and effective coordination among participating countries.  Political differences, competing national interests, and concerns about  losing control over monetary policy may impede progress. 
  2. Institutional Capacity: Establishing the necessary institutions to  manage and regulate a unified currency, such as a central bank and  regulatory bodies, requires significant institutional capacity. Some  African countries may need to strengthen their financial institutions and  regulatory frameworks. 
  3. Currency Stability: Ensuring the stability of the unified currency is  crucial to gaining public and investor confidence. Concerns about  exchange rate volatility, inflation, and economic shocks may pose  significant challenges. 
  4. Public Perception and Acceptance: The success of a common  currency depends on the acceptance and support of the public. If  citizens perceive that their economic interests are not adequately  protected or if there is a lack of trust in the new currency, implementation  may face resistance. 
  5. Harmonization of Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Aligning legal  and regulatory frameworks across multiple countries is a complex task.  This includes issues related to banking regulations, financial reporting  standards, and legal frameworks for contracts and transactions. 
  6. External Influences: External factors, such as global economic  conditions, commodity prices, and international financial markets, can  impact the success of a unified currency. African countries may be  vulnerable to external shocks that could affect the stability of the  currency.
  7. Infrastructure Challenges: In some regions, there may be  infrastructure challenges, including those related to  telecommunications, transportation, and financial infrastructure.  Addressing these issues is essential for the effective functioning of a  unified currency. 

Apart from the aforementioned issues, there is still one major problem  that has subtly and indirectly infiltrated our economies which is no other  than the rise of neo-colonialism amongst former colonial nations in our  continent. This has manifested through economic dominance, cultural  influence, political interference, etc. While the concept of neo 

colonialism is complex and has taken various forms, this is one of the  critical challenges to our sovereignty and self-determination as a  continent. For example, many French-speaking African countries that  are part of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)  and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)  use currencies that are linked to the Euro through a fixed exchange rate.  These currencies are guaranteed by the French Treasury (West African  CFA franc (XOF) and Central African CFA franc (XAF)]. Mentioned  below are some of the negative and harsh impacts of neo-colonialism. 

  1. Economic Dependency: Some African countries may still be  economically dependent on former colonial powers, either through trade  relationships, foreign aid, or investment. This dependency can limit the  ability of these countries to make independent economic decisions. 
  2. Debt Dependency: African countries face numerous challenges  related to debt, with debts owed to former colonial powers or  international financial institutions. The terms of these debts and the  conditions attached to loans influences the economic policies of debtor  nations. For instance, in 2022, public debt in Africa reached USD 1.8  trillion. While this is a fraction of the overall outstanding debt of  developing countries, Africa’s debt has increased by 183% since 2010,  a rate roughly four times higher than its growth rate of GDP in dollar terms, according to an article published in April 2023 by United Nations  Conference on Trade and Development. 

Data from the World Bank shows that 49 African countries owe 39% of  their debt to multilateral institutions, 35% to private creditors (excluding  Chinese private creditors), and 12% of the debt burden on the continent  is owed to China and Chinese lenders. In 2021, private lenders charged  5% interest rates while China and multilateral lenders charged 2.7% and  1.3%, respectively. This spread of creditors makes it hard to navigate  issues of debt restriction. Hence, African countries looking to discuss  easing the debt burden face the uphill task of coordinating creditors with  varying interests and willingness to cooperate. Creditors are often  unwilling to restructure debt if they believe it will serve the interests of  other creditors. 

Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, the President, African Development Bank  Group, in his address at the Paris Club on June 20, 2023 also  mentioned that an increasing percentage of debt owed by African  nations is now in the form of resource-backed loans. Between 2004  and 2018 30 natural resource-backed loans worth $66 billion were  signed by African countries. Most of the loans were backed by oil,  minerals, and commodities. The commodity price crash of 2014 threw  to 10 out of the 14 countries that used natural resource backed loans  into serious debt problems. 

See Graph:

  1. International Economic Structures: The global economic structures  and institutions, which are often influenced by powerful nations, impact 

the economic policies of African countries. These structures may not  always be conducive to the interests of African nations. 

  1. Cultural Influence: Cultural influence from former colonial powers can  shape societal norms, values, and preferences. This influence may  extend to economic practices and policies, impacting decisions related  to currency unification. 
  2. Political Interference: Former colonial powers might exert influence  over the political affairs of African nations, either directly or indirectly.  This affects our decision-making processes, including those related to  economic policies and currency unification. These are some of the  pertinent issues contributing to the difficulties we are facing in having  one monetary policy in Africa. 

Having identified the root causes of our problems and obstacles, African  leaders and relevant stakeholders need to take a pragmatic and  strategic approach in addressing these issues collectively and  nationally, especially on repaying our debts as a continent and  addressing other issues so that by year 2063 we will have the African of  our dreams that future generations will be very proud off. This is the  major reason why we are putting together this year’s conference to find  lasting and systemic solutions for our growth and development, of which  having a single currency will enable us to achieve that.


The conference is our opportunity to start a global conversation about  the monetary policy and unification of our currencies in Africa, based on  the following: 


  1. Identify problems and challenges plaguing unification of African  currencies, which is hampering our ability to foster trade and economic  growth and development in our continent and how to solve them.
  2. Leveraging our regional experiences and expertise with a view to  developing a singular framework upon which we can solve our monetary  policies issues in Africa.
  3. We want to position Africa as a continent with transformed economies  and an Africa that takes full responsibility for financing her  developmental goals.


Have a round table engagement forum where experts from northern,  southern, Eastern, Western, central Africa and Diaspora share their  peculiar problems and sustainable solutions to these challenges. 

At the end of the FORA, The African Government Stakeholders  Engagement Forum will be tasked with compilation as a white paper of  real time solutions presentable to governments and necessary  stakeholders to help us make adjustments and achieve exponential 

results in Agriculture across the different areas of growth.This is a two day hybrid event with day two being held at Addis Ababa, from the 20th  to the 21st of September 2024. It will include 5,000 attendees, 30 high  profile speakers, news and media coverage globally of up to 1,000,000  people and we guarantee excellent virtual execution. At the end of this  summit, we are expected to have a white paper interpreted in all African  Languages that will be submitted to African Union headquarters, Heads  of states and Presidents which will eventually be passed as a bill for  onward implementation in their respective countries. We will also  introduce and attach Youth Ambassadors that will help with  implementation of the white paper for the Africa we want.

2024 Mission

Values are our bedrock



To create a sustainable monetary policy framework for the Africa we want by leveraging skills, technology and collaborations.


To be the leading strategic and implementation partner with the different stakeholders in Africa both private, public and government to deliver the Africa we want by the unification of our currencies to boost trade, growth and development among member states.

Organizing Companies

The Association of African Startups

The Association of African Startups

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The Just Ibe Company

The Just Ibe Company

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Arielle For Africa

Arielle For Africa

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Arielle Advisory

Arielle Advisory

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The conference would follow the format of a panel session which  kicks  off with the deliberation over the loopholes in our monetary policy across all African nations before moving into other development issues respectively.

The current practices for different regions would be highlighted  and addressed; looking at the advantages and disadvantages with a  view to agree on what should be picked for onward acceptance and implementation.

Beyond the Conference


  1. In-Depth Understanding of Challenges: Stakeholders and participants will gain a deeper understanding of  the challenges facing the unification of African currencies,  including economic, political, and institutional factors. Identifying  and comprehending these challenges is crucial for formulating  effective strategies.
  1. Policy Recommendations: The conference will result in the development of policy  recommendations for addressing the challenges associated with  currency unification. These recommendations may cover areas  such as macroeconomic convergence, institutional capacity  building, and legal and regulatory frameworks.
  1. Regional Cooperation and Collaboration: Stakeholders and participants will discuss and emphasize the  importance of regional cooperation and collaboration among  African countries to facilitate the unification of currencies.  Strengthening regional ties can contribute to a more cohesive and  integrated approach.
  1. Public Awareness and Education: The conference will highlight the need for public awareness and  education regarding the benefits and challenges of currency  unification. Public support is vital, and informed discussions can  contribute to garnering public understanding and acceptance.
  1. Exploration of Alternative Models: Stakeholders and participants  will explore alternative models for currency unification, drawing on  experiences from other regions or proposing innovative  approaches that suit the unique characteristics of African  economies.
  2. Discussion on Sovereignty and Autonomy: The conference will stimulate discussions on the balance between  regional economic integration and maintaining the sovereignty and  autonomy of individual countries in their monetary policies.
  1. Identification of Opportunities: Stakeholders and participants will be encouraged to identify  potential opportunities and benefits associated with currency  unification, such as enhanced economic stability, increased intra Africa trade, and improved global competitiveness.
  1. Engagement with Stakeholders: The conference would serve as a platform for engaging with  various stakeholders, including policymakers, central bankers,  academics, and representatives from the private sector.  Collaborative efforts among these groups are essential for  successful currency unification.
  1. Establishment of a Framework for Future Discussions: The conference will contribute to the establishment of a framework  for continued discussions and collaboration on the topic. This  could involve the creation of working groups, research initiatives,  or follow-up conferences to track progress.
  1. Networking and Relationship Building: Stakeholders and participants will have the opportunity to network  and build relationships, fostering ongoing collaboration and  information-sharing beyond the conference.
  1. Presentation of white paper to select government bodies and  financial institutions with deep penetration across the regions.


We want to deliver an excellent experience, so please should you have any questions or want to participate in the conference just contact:
Mobile: 08085901597


Just Omomo Ibe is a Multifaceted and Visionary Business leader with a critical focus on rebuilding the African Economy through Entrepreneurship, Education, Youth & Trade.

She is a result-driven, persistent, and determined economic growth and development consultant and a lead consultant at The Just Ibe company with a key focus on Sales, marketing, business communications, sustainable economic development, and digital strategy. As an economic growth consultant, she empowers entrepreneurs through her work with The Association of African Startups, providing them with the tools and knowledge to build sustainable businesses. Her passion extends beyond individual success - she founded the Just Ibe Foundation to directly empower communities and uplift vulnerable populations.

Ibe is a strong advocate for collaboration across the continent. She co-founded the African Government Stakeholders Engagement Forum, fostering dialogue between governments and businesses to tackle shared challenges. Additionally, her One African movement aims to unify Africans and create a sense of continental identity, attracting investment and fostering a collaborative environment for all.

Just Omomo Ibe is currently a certified time management specialist with distinctions from the London graduate school. She is also a certified sustainable development expert from the international business management institute, a certified behavioral economy, and marketing psychology expert, a certified economic growth and development expert, and a certified government economic policy expert. 

She currently serves as a ministry gift through the Kingdom Influencers Global Ministry, an end time apostolic ministry, equipping men to establish the kingdom in the different mountains of influence.

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Adaobi is a seasoned professional with over 13 years of corporate experience across Africa, specializing in business process improvement. She excels at mapping, identifying inefficiencies, redesigning processes, and benchmarking for growth and expansion. As a certified environmental scientist, she co-founded Earthlight International Limited in 2018, focusing on waste management education and recycling operations in Ibadan, Nigeria, while also aiding other recyclers with business support and locally manufactured machines.

In 2022, Adaobi became a co-owner of Elvaridah Consulting Limited, a firm that offers strategic planning and sustainable business solutions to help companies scale. She launched a COO grooming program at Elvaridah's training institute in early 2024 placing them in organizations where they are able to execute on the business owner’s vision driving the team to excellence. Additionally, Adaobi contributes to the tech industry by developing solutions in inventory management, proptech, and fintech. Recognized for her visionary leadership and transformational style, she enjoys traveling, forming partnerships, and coaching SME owners, with her spiritual growth guiding her values and business endeavors.

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A distinguished Serial and Social Entrepreneur, Edith is fervently committed to fostering job creation, entrepreneurship, STEM education, and sustainability amongst African Youth. She is notably recognized for her strategic leadership as a newly appointed Board Member for the AIESEC International Supervisory Group in Canada and as the Chair of Beyond Africa. These initiatives have pioneered inclusive sales systems that empower under-represented groups across Africa, impacting over 200,000 young individuals by facilitating business expansion into new markets including healthcare, education, and technology.

In 2019, She co-founded Arielle Roaring for Africa Ltd (ARFA), a Social Enterprise tailored to support entrepreneurs throughout their business journey. ARFA has already aided over 5,000 entrepreneurs in 11 African countries, leveraging a global network of experts across multiple industries. Additionally, Edith has played a pivotal role in establishing Africa’s Brain Hub, focusing on STEM education and innovative solutions to climate change and financial inclusion.

Edith also serves as vice president of the Hasa Growth Network, providing substantial financial access to African businesses, and is a prolific author and mentor, having written “In the Fullness of Purpose: A Journey of Passion, Purpose, and Pursuit.” She frequently extends her expertise as a Business and Executive Coach and as a Faculty Member for the Association of African Startups, significantly contributing to the upskilling of African entrepreneurs.

She holds a Master of International Business with a major in Disruptive Innovation and a Master of Science in Finance from HULT International Business School, in addition to first-class honors in BBA. Edith’s work, spans 77 different countries worldwide, a testament to her global perspective and diverse expertise.

Beyond her professional achievements, Edith is an avid reader, podcast show host of “The Young Black Female CEO,” and an engaging public speaker, continuously inspiring a global audience of leaders and entrepreneurs.

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Jamila Idris is an entrepreneur with expertise in performance management and organizational development. An alumnus of the prestigious Kashim Ibrahim Fellowship (KIF), she has multidisciplinary experience working in the academia, development sector and public service.

She is passionate about helping high achievers create wealth through Joy, Peace and Fulfillment. Also, she is the creator of the High Performance Accelerator. A unique coaching program that helps entrepreneurs, executives and emerging leaders get the most important tasks done and create desired results without stress, confusion or overwhelm. 

Jamila is a mental health professional and an advocate for mental health awareness. She has coached clients in different and diverse fields including high level entrepreneurs.

She has served in leadership capacities internationally and has served as a member of key government decision making councils.

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Feruz is a driven professional with a diverse background in business administration, entrepreneurship, and cybersecurity. With a passion for empowering African entrepreneurs, Feruz co-founded and currently serves as a board chair and director at Arielle for Africa, a dynamic organization dedicated to fostering growth and innovation in the African business ecosystem.In addition to her work with Arielle for Africa, Feruz has excelled in various roles in the corporate world. Starting as a Business Development professional at SAP, she demonstrated exceptional skills in cultivating relationships, identifying business opportunities, and driving revenue growth. 

The commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and security led her to join Darktrace, world’s leading Cyber AI technology. Currently, Feruz is leveraging her expertise in the cybersecurity industry as a professional specializing in Third Party Risk Assessments at CyberGRX. In this role she plays a crucial role in evaluating and managing the potential risks associated with third-party vendors, ensuring the security and resilience of organizations against cyber threats.

Feruz’s pursued a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Stavanger, where she gained a solid foundation in key business principles and practices. Building on this foundation, she went on to earn a Master's degree in International Business Management with a major in Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship.

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Modupe Rachael-Adeyemi is an experienced Executive Virtual Assistant with a proven track record of supporting C-level executives. With over 4 years of experience in providing top-notch administrative support, calendar management, travel coordination, and project assistance, she is dedicated to helping busy executives stay organized, efficient, and focused on strategic priorities. 

She is also a Tech-savvy Virtual Assistant who thrives in utilizing the latest tools and technologies to enhance efficiency and organization.

She excels at managing digital files, setting up workflows, and integrating various software platforms for tech educators, academies, and coaches.

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